Mentoring, Certifications & Transformation
Drumming Tracks
for Shamanic Journeying
"Shamanic drumming" is the term widely used to describe a drumming rhythm of 4-7 beats per second. Drumming at this speed brings the right and left hemispheres of the brain into harmony and shifts us into a theta wave state (perfect for visioning and journeying).
Each track is whole and unbroken, but has four parts within it, that is, the drum changes rhythm/speed four times:
1. Slow and building speed: used for traveling TO where you want to go.
2. Shamanic speed (four beats per minute): the part of the journey where you are working on your intention.
3. Slow with pauses: indicates that you've got about a minute to wind up what you're doing.
4. Slow and building speed, then winding to a stop: used for the journey back into the physical world.
25 mins
This track is by Kriket, a beloved shaman who influenced the lives of many when she walked the Earth.
She offered this track freely on her website, and I'm grateful to have this copy to share with you.
15 min
coming soon
10 mins
comming soon